Monday, January 16, 2006

To students in DS 107 - this is where you will find podcasts for each module of your online College Survival course. My goal is to have a new recording each Monday. These podcasts will enable you to hear the highlights of the week, my thoughts about the topic, and, after the first week, a summary of the previous week's topic. Since this is a public forum, you can be assured that any personal information will be kept confidential. You are free to communicate with other students and anyone else who participates on this blog. However, the formal discussions that are required for the course all happen within the WebCT discussion board.

To all others - let me encourage you to collaborate with me as I experiment with this new way of communicating with my online students. Your involvement can only enrich the experience. I would be thrilled with new ideas, your thoughts, and comments. Anita


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